5 Tips for Staying Safe and Protected During Storms

When rough weather and intense storms threaten your area, you may wonder what steps you should take to make sure your house and your possessions are safe. Thankfully, there are many ways you can prepare for whatever happens next.

1. Gather All Necessary Supplies

In some cases, the power to your house may go out and leave you in the dark for a long amount of time. Storing a flashlight and spare batteries, along with other items like heavy blankets and canned food, somewhere close that is easy to find in the dark can help you during this time. If you need to use a phone, charging it continually can help you if you are unsure about whether or not the power will go out.

2. Stay Aware of Frozen Pipes

In some cases, the temperature outside may drop enough that your water pipes begin to freeze and then eventually grow larger until they burst. Calling a plumbing company Ohio could be your next step if this happens to you and you notice your pipes are not behaving like usual. Not only can a burst pipe stop the flow of water into your house, but it can also cause serious damage to the floors and walls if they leak.

3. Pace Yourself

When the temperature drops inside as well as outside due to extreme weather, you may begin to experience fatigue faster than you usually do. Whether you are shoveling snow or dealing with overflowing gutters, the chill and cold can leave you struggling. If you have heart conditions or other medical problems, physically exhaustive activities can be dangerous in colder weather. Take time to sit down and rest before continuing to shovel snow or complete strenuous tasks if you begin to feel faint or weak. Make sure to also cover your extremities like your hands, ears, and feet so you do not lose body heat as time goes on.

4. Know Where to Take Cover

Some places, like a bathroom, are safer spots to hide if a tornado or other storm threatens to harm your house. Whenever you hear a warning for any kind of storm, you should think about where to go if it becomes worse. Tuning into a local radio station can help you determine how severe the weather is. If it starts to hail while you are driving, you may want to pull over to the side of the road or under a roof or overhang so that you can avoid damage to your windscreen.

5. Remember To Stay Hydrated

In cold temperatures, you need a large amount of water to stay healthy and prevent hypothermia. Although you may associate sweating with hotter weather, you also sweat when exerting effort in the snow or cold rain as well. Not getting enough water can leave you feeling tired and slow, which can prevent you from making safe decisions when unexpected issues happen. Staying away from alcoholic drinks while replenishing your fluids is also important, since these drinks do not hydrate you.

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About the Author: Mike