8 Air Conditioner Problems Homeowners Experience

Like many other large devices, air conditioners require a little TLC to perform at their peak levels. When you don’t carry out AC maintenance properly, they struggle the most in hot weather.

We’ve identified the most common air conditioner problems that arise with central and window air conditioners, so you won’t lose your cool as the weather warms up. In this guide, we’ll outline eight AC issues that need immediate attention.

The great news is that the number issue with AC is straightforward to fix. Plus, you can deal with many of the problems by yourself. There are, however, some instances where calling in professional AC maintenance is a must.

So now, let’s run through eight common AC problems that homeowners experience and how to deal with them.

1. Check Your AC’s Filters

First thing’s first, check to see if your AC’s filters are dirty. Filter issues are one of the most common AC issues that people come across.

Filters that are blocked prevent proper airflow, diminishing efficiency and reducing the air conditioner’s capacity to cool the air properly. As soon as possible, clean the filters in your air conditioner.

Your unit will produce better air quality, less dust, and fewer allergens by cleaning your filters. And, cleaning will help to prolong the life of your AC unit for longer.

Once you’ve cleaned the filters, routinely inspect them to make sure they remain clean. You should also check with your central AC system manufacturer to see when to replace the filters. As well, be aware that it’s better to change your AC’s filters more regularly if you have pets with fur.

Washing AC air filters is a straightforward process:

  1. First, turn your unit off and remove the filters.
  2. Then vacuum off all the dust, and a microfiber cloth can be handy in this part of the process.
  3. Hose down your filters outside, and then wash them with a cloth. Repeat this process until you remove all visible dust and matter. Soak your filters in a bath of one part vinegar, one part water for an hour or so. Then rinse with water once removed.
  4. When your filters are dry, reinstall them, and you’re done!

If you have disposable filters on your AC, don’t attempt to clean them – ensure to replace them according to manufacturer guidelines.

2. AC Placement Issues

Is your window AC is a brightly sunlit room?

Windows that receive direct sunlight throughout the daytime will require your window AC to work harder to chill your room. When AC units have to work harder, your electricity bills will go up, which will not last as long as they should. Also, you might end up with noisy air conditioning because it’s working at full power.

Consider moving your AC to a cooler location. You should pull your curtains and shades during the day if possible to block the sun and make your home cooler.

3. Vibrating Window AC Units

AC units create a lot of noise, notably from the fan’s whir and the compressor’s cycle. You should expect these sorts of noises, and they will range in loudness depending on your AC settings and how hot your room is.

However, the person who fitted your machine the first time may have done it wrong if you hear a vibrating noise. Review the installation instructions in your owner’s handbook to ensure the installer missed no stages.

If you’re not confident in checking the correct installation process for your AC, call in the professionals. It could be that there’s a simple fix to your vibrating air conditioning, or you might need a complete AC replacement.

4. Thermostat Problems

Is your thermostat at the correct temperature?

You might think you can easily control your house’s temperature with a smart thermostat. But when you try to program it according to your thermostat’s temperature readings, the AC doesn’t make it comfortable when you are home and a bit warmer when you aren’t.

One issue is that your thermostat could be exposed to direct sunlight, which can cause it to indicate the wrong temperature. If this is the case, move the thermostat to an ideal location, or call in AC experts to do the job for you.

5. Plants are Surrounding Your Compressor

Make sure there are at least two feet of space between the outside compressor and any plants or structures for your AC to function properly. Trees should also have at least five feet of space on either side of the unit.

To deal with such issues, you need to get your gardening gloves on and get pruning. Plants may provide us with the oxygen we breathe, but they are not great for AC functionality in this case.

6. Do Your Have Dirty or Blocked Registers?

If you have a home with forced-air cooling and heating system built-in, make sure to vacuum and clean your registers regularly. You need to prevent dust build-up so that your AC doesn’t have to work as hard.

As well, it’s a good idea to remove and plant pots, furniture, or other objects in the house from obstructing your registers. If your registers become too blocked, then you’ll end up risking serious air conditioner repairs in the future.

7. Warm Air Is Seeping Through

Check all the seals surrounding your window air conditioner to ensure that neither hot is leaking in or cold air is coming out. If needed, re-seal the area around your device using weather stripping.

Nowadays, new window AC units come with panels that insulate around your unit. But using weather stripping is also a good idea to prevent air leaks.

8. Are You Getting Annual AC Checkups?

One of the best ways to ensure you get the most out of your AC at home is to book annual checkups. You can prevent all of the issues we’ve listed above by getting AC experts to assess how your AC is doing.

The best part of doing this is that you can end up saving a lot of money. This is because these experts can give you a proper guidance about programming your particular setup and AC maintenance needs.

Air Conditioner Problems Solved

You can fix most of the air conditioner problems we’ve mentioned in this article alone. But there will come times when you need to get your AC checked and repaired to maintain its maximum longevity.

Thanks for stopping by and reading through our list of AC issues. Please consider checking out some of our other helpful blog posts if you have the time.

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About the Author: Mike