The Beauty of Granite Finished Garage Floors

What’s a garage floor? A slab of cement? An unfinished part of the house? Or is it an opportunity to reshape an additional room of the house or condo that can be a personal getaway from the rest of the world every day? That’s possible, and it starts with reshaping the bland garage floor into something more.

A bare garage floor is just that, unfinished. It’s a subsurface ready to be treated and covered with true flooring. However, when you consider the possibility of a granite floor layer finish, options become far more plentiful regarding what you can do with a garage.

Why Do People Buy Unfinished Homes?

Vehicle ports and garages are always left unfinished; it’s a bit of a short-changing of a home when it’s bought. However, while this seems ridiculous given how much people pay for a place to live, the practice is commonplace. And hardly anyone ever takes on the finishing job themselves because flooring isn’t something people learn in high school or college. And, let’s face it, after buying a home, there’s usually no bank account left to spend a few more thousands of dollars finishing a garage that one’s just going to park their car in. So, it stays a slab of cement.

Fortunately, there’s another option, and that comes in the form of granite epoxy layering. It is durable enough for a car to park on it, but smooth and finished enough to be functional for a finished look, so granite flooring is worth considering. It allows you to have a dual function for your garage, both continuing to be a protected shelter for your car and the option to enjoy the space for more.

A professional flooring finish is also a smart idea on a practical level. Let’s face it; cars are not perfect. Eventually, with use, they start to have little issues called leaks. That leakage ends up being absorbed into the bare cement, becoming a visible stain and reminder the garage could have been something more. With professionally installed garage flooring, however, even the worst leaks can be cleaned up easily and quickly without any staining or lasting residue. No more permanent stains on the floor, gooey oil blobs or industrial engine smells in the garage. Instead, the garage gets turned into a place you want to be; in fact, your family might start to get a bit jealous of all the time you’re spending in the garage after the flooring is improved.

The Nitty Gritty Matters

Technically including a combination of industrial epoxy, urethanes, and similar, today’s epoxy flooring in Middlesex is designed with amazing technology. Their ability to last is hundreds of times longer than what was available only a decade ago, and today’s granite layers provide an incredible means of separation from the cement below.

Of course, installation makes a huge difference in the outcome. While some of the products available can easily be obtained at a local big box store for self-installation, it’s not a good idea. If the job is done wrong, it doesn’t matter how high quality the flooring is that is applied. Poor quality construction will defeat the benefits of the product every time. This is why it is critical to match good flooring with excellent experience and installation skills. The best epoxy garage floors in Middlesex are the combination of well-trained installation talent and top-notch flooring products designed to last for decades.

So, if you want a reasonable way to improve your home without a big production, consider your poor, neglected garage floor. It can be saved, improved, and transformed.

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About the Author: Mike