8 AC Repair Signs You Shouldn’t Ignore

AC Repair Signs You Shouldn't Ignore

Paying attention to how your air conditioner (AC) functions is crucial because no one wants to see their AC breakdown, especially during summer. Your AC may start having difficulties if it’s old or you don’t take good care of it by running through regular maintenance. Usually, it’s best to check your AC before the spring is over to prepare it for heavy usage during the summer.

Besides, not ignoring your AC repair signs can help you avoid costly repairs because you’ll be able to solve the minor issues before they get big. No matter where you are, at work or at home, you’ll always want your cooling system to be reliable.

If your AC is experiencing difficulties, you can save yourself some trouble by calling the repair services team for maintenance or replacement. To maintain its usual functionality and high performance, you need to be aware of the following AC repair signs that must not be ignored:

1. Emission Of Hot Air

If your air conditioner is emitting warm air when you badly need to cool down your room, it could be a warning sign that it needs repair services. An AC is used to cool the temperature of your home, not the other way round. However, if you switch the thermostat to a cooling manner and it fails to cool your home, you should consider that a red flag that you shouldn’t ignore. An AC technician can help fix this minor issue as soon as you notice it before it damages the entire unit.

2. Foul Odors

Unknown factors can cause foul odors from your AC, and none of them are good. These include wire connections, molds, fluid leaks, dead rodents, and more, which could be a warning sign you need your AC checked to determine if it needs a deep cleaning session. Deep cleaning can also help eliminate the foul smell before it entirely affects your and your family’s health.

Fortunately, there are AC specialists to check whether your unit needs cleaning or a replacement. You shouldn’t ignore this sign because your AC is one of the critical appliances in your home, as it helps provide comfort and good health to family and friends, especially during the warm seasons.

In all cases, foul odors must prompt you to change or repair your AC immediately. Be careful about your indoor air quality because taking in pollutants can affect your respiratory system. Therefore, as much as you take care of your AC unit, you should also avoid the common mistakes affecting indoor air quality.

3. Strange Noises

Strange Noises from AC Unit

Typically, ACs are known to produce noises but not strange, weird noises. When your AC makes noise while functioning, it could be a sign of aging or it’s starting to break down. Scraping, grinding, and squealing could be a warning sign of a belt inside your unit, which you shouldn’t ignore. Regardless, have any strange noise from the AC checked immediately to prevent more costly damage.

4. High Electricity Bills

As a homeowner, it’s never fun paying extra bills. If you notice this in your home, there could be something wrong with your AC. It could be a broken thermostat, an aging AC unit, a duct leak, or other related issues.

Frankly, it’s normal to notice some bill fluctuation throughout the year. Still, if it’s an unusual spike, you should call a professional to check your appliances, especially your AC unit. Have it moderated based on your usage to help you save on electric bills.

5. Poor Airflow

Poor airflow is another sign you shouldn’t ignore. If you still don’t feel any cool air despite your AC’s high setting, it indicates a problem with your filter, which blocks the air from circulating your space.

The easiest solution could be changing your filters or having your AC unit deep cleaned. Still, if the problem persists after doing so, it’s best to install an energy recovery ventilator. A ventilator plays the same role as the filter in the AC unit; it helps purify and circulates air in the room. With this, you won’t be experiencing poor airflow often. It’s also best to inquire from AC professionals or search online for the best air conditioners for your home.

6. Water Leaks

Water leaks around your AC are a clear sign of a problem. Air conditioners always rely on refrigeration to produce cool air for your room, and at some point, condensation may occur, but there shouldn’t be any leaks in your room. Hence, if you’ve been mopping up water from your floor, you should immediately call an AC service team.

As much as this is a sign your AC has a problem, you also risk water damaging your home’s floor, accessories, furniture, and more. Of course, the last thing you want is to replace your AC and flooring.

7. High Humidity

An AC in your home shouldn’t encourage an annoying atmosphere. Instead, it should reduce the amount of humidity in your house. Your AC should automatically generate the right and comfortable amount of moisture compared to outdoor weather. If you notice high humidity in your home even after running the AC, this problem needs your immediate attention.

8. Cold And Hot Spots

After turning on your AC, the temperature in your home should be the same. However, if you enter a room and realize its temperature varies from another room, it’s vital to figure out the problem before it causes more damage. This sign could indicate your AC is getting older and needs replacement. Thus, have it serviced by a specialist to ensure an even temperature in your home.


As we’ve seen in the article, paying attention to how your AC runs is essential to maintaining the right temperature in your home. After all, no one wants an uncomfortable home, especially during the scorching summer heat. If your AC happens to have the above signs, don’t hesitate to call a specialist to check and replace it. Furthermore, replacing your AC when it gets old is a valid point to avoid eventual repairs that might be costly in the long run.

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About the Author: Sam